Category Archives: Giving Back

Giving Back Gives You More

Fire Inc AtlantaThere is a commonly accepted ideology in society that as long as something isn’t affecting a particular individual directly, then it’s someone else’s problem. This goes a lot further than just the bi-stander effect or the term “NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard). It ties into how we view the world and dictates how we interact with our environment. How we interact with our environment directly effects how what “happens” to us in life. Therefore, it’s safe to say that how we view other people’s problems correlates with whether we will find success in our lives, whatever our own individual definition of “success” may be.

According to Tony Robbins (motivational speaker, personal finance instructor, life coach and self-help author), the pinnacle of success and ultimate fulfillment is in helping others. It’s a long shot to say that just helping everyone you know with their problems will MAKE you successful. It’s more likely that people who are inclined to help other people, volunteer in their communities, raise money for charity, etc. have several other traits that leads to financial, personal, and professional success. In other words, correlation is not necessarily causation.

So, if we KNOW that helping others won’t necessarily lead to PERSONAL success, then why do we do it?

At Fire Inc, we believe that reaching out to members of the Atlanta community who aren’t in a position to help themselves has a lot more to do with success from a holistic standpoint than just an item on a to-do list in order to reach success. We believe that giving our time to others helps us learn humility, civic responsibility, and empathy, develops self confidence, provides networking opportunities, and improves our society and the individual lives of those in it.

Fire Inc Atlanta ReviewsMuch of our efforts this year at Fire Inc Atlanta have been focused on the global charity Operation Smile. We have an intense desire to help this organization reach its goals and milestones and are focused on raising funds throughout the entirety of 2015. Operation Smile provides medical missions to other countries that allows children with cleft lip/pallette to lead healthier lives, both physically and mentally, as a result of free surgical procedures. Medical professionals from around the world donate their time to go on these mission trips to conduct surgeries for children who would otherwise be haunted with a lifetime of health problems and public ridicule.

Again, we know that helping others won’t necessarily lead you to ultimate success, but it isn’t going to hurt either. So, what are you waiting for? There are several ways to get involved in giving back to others. Get involved in local groups. Go pick up trash at the park. Go door-to-door to raise funds for whatever cause you feel passionately about and donate that money to the group. Even if you don’t become super successful later in life, you’ll have left your mark on the world.

To see what it’s like working at Fire Inc (Atlanta, GA), click here.

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Posted by on June 18, 2015 in Giving Back


Fire Inc. Atlanta Supports an Operation Smile Medical Mission in Guatemala

Fire Inc. Atlanta Supports an Operation Smile Medical Mission in Guatemala

Fire Inc. Atlanta believes in the importance of giving back and making a difference in the community. This year, Fire Inc. Atlanta held various charity events and helped raise funds to support an Operation Smile medical mission. Operation Smile is a not-for-profit medical service organization that provides cleft lip and palate repair surgeries to children worldwide. To date, Operation Smile has provided reconstructive surgery to more than 150,000 children and young adults in more than 50 countries.

Multiple business joined the effort to fund a medical mission in Guatemala. However, Fire Inc. Atlanta’s determination and constant support granted them the recognition of being one of the top fundraisers! The president of Fire Inc. Atlanta, Malcolm Elavia, had the privilege to go on this medical mission trip on behalf of his company. During the week-long mission, Malcolm helped coordinate screenings, interacted with the families, and assisted in the recovery process.

Malcolm Elavia shared his experience:

“Having the opportunity to go to Guatemala and see these life-changing surgeries take place was amazing. I loved getting to see first-hand the impact that our donations made on each of these patients and I am proud to be able to support such a great cause. Being able to presence these surgeries was sad but heartwarming at the same time. I really got attached to some of the kids and their families that I spent time with. The most impactful experience by far was the relationship I built with an 8 year old girl named Palisha and her family. Palisha was unfortunately not selected as a candidate for the surgery for this year, but still showed such a positive, thankful spirit to all of us who came down to help out with the mission trip. Before I left, she even gave me a framed picture of us as a gift. I’ll always remember her optimism and plan to stay in touch with her and her family in the future.”

Overall, 104 patients had the opportunity to receive the surgery. Now that Malcolm is back from the trip, he is more motivated than ever to be able to support this great cause. Over the next year, Malcolm plans to support Operation Smile by raising twice the amount his company donated in 2014.

To find out how you can join Fire Inc. Atlanta’s effort, visit our Miles of Smiles page by clicking here! 

Let’s help Operation Smile change lives one smile at a time!

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2014-11-09 15.42.31

2014-11-09 17.17.52

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